Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vitals Signs Of Head Injury

Despite a real friendship between these two principals brought by endless phone calls, dinners and shared ideas (remember Kubrick "gift" to Steven his personal version of the classic tale of Pinocchio called Artificial Intelligence), some critics underwriting to the idea that Spielberg really did not like the films of Stanley , recalling a phrase Dad ET in saying that Barry Lyndon had seemed "just moving paintings."

The reality here are the words ...

Finally, an old joke about these giants: Steven Spielberg has just died and is greeted in heaven by the angel Gabriel who told him: "God has seen all his movies, has told me to please him in everything. Just tell me what you need, anything I am at your orders. " Then Steven says, "Actually, I've always wanted to meet Stanley Kubrick Can fix a date?".
Gabriel looks at him: "YOU. Stanley knows that not like interviews, I'm sorry, I can not do that, "... but you told me ...."
Gabriel: "I am very sorry I can not really give that." It will take a walk paradise and see it happen to a guy with beard and military jacket
cycling ... "OH MY GOD!, look, there is Stanley Kubrick! Exclaims ..."¿ Spielberg could not even stop to say hello? "The archangel Gabriel takes him aside and whispers:" It is not Stanley Kubrick is God who is believed Stanley Kubrick ".


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