Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Tejina. Tenerife
A.grandifolium is a plant from South America, introduced and naturalized in the Canaries. Within Malvaceae, is different because its flowers do not have epicalyx and heart-shaped and heart-shaped leaves up to 20cm. The petals of the flowers are orange. Abutilon
: generic name might derive from the Arabic abu tilun, name of the "purple states". Grandifolium: from the Latin grandis, meaning folius large, which means foliage, referring to the size of the leaves of this plant, larger than that of similar species.

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Tenagua. La Palma
C.melitensis is an annual plant up to 1 m and a wide geographical distribution within the genus is characterized by its chapters with glandular yellow flowers and cauline leaves decurrent. The involucre is composed of bracts arachnoid, the outer and middle with a spiny appendage. The average bract appendage has a terminal spine and several pairs of lateral spines. The achenes have a pappus about as long as the fruit. It is known as "starthistle, star thistle or weed of Christ."

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Greenery flora of the Canary Islands, Canary Islands: The floor of the bush in the Canary Islands

The floor of the mountain scrub develops from 2,000 meters above sea level. At such altitudes, and due to the peculiarities of climate canary, low temperatures, dry air, strong winds and intense sunlight. These are poor conditions for the development of a tree layer. The mountain is a scrub down and open training trailing carriage. We found this apartment only on the islands of Tenerife and La Palma. This floor is a fabulous floral wealth. Here are a significant part of the Canarian endemic species, so species appearing in La Palma is not the same, or have the same importance in Tenerife. In La Palma is dominated by laburnum, forming a compact shrub that brooms are confined in rocky areas. It appears, too, retamón, thought purple summits and Canary Islands. By contrast, in Tenerife dominates the heath, while the broom is marginal, and other species has a token presence, while important in some sectors.

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Vegetation: The Vegetation

The pine floor develops between 500 meters (downwind) or 1,200 (to windward) and goes up to 2,000 meters. It is therefore more developed leeward to windward, leeward areas occupied in the laurel is absent due to a little rain. Also, found on the slopes that have a higher risk of stroke and some frost. Is present in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Palma and El Hierro. Canary Island pine forests form the largest forest patches on the islands. The Canary Island pine is the dominant species, and almost exclusively, because the understory is very poor. The Canary Island pine is characterized by its resistance to fire, an evolutionary adaptation in a volcanic archipelago.

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pine floor in the Canary Islands: The floor Vegetation in Canary laurel

Floor laurel grows from 500 to 1,200 meters in the northern and eastern slopes of the islands. This is a rainforests, which is made possible by the hydrological conditions provided by the sea of \u200b\u200bclouds and rain horizontal. We found this apartment in Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro. There Gran Canaria due to population pressure. In Tenerife the most important is the laurel forest of Guimaras. The species found are many, but the bay is the most important. Mingling with the laurel and heather appears faya, which is a transitional form between the floor and the pinewood. It is considered that the heather and the faya appear as dominant species after the laurel forest degradation.

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Floor transition extends from 200 to 500 or 1,000 meters depending orientation. It is characterized by the presence of thermophilic character as the juniper tree, the olive tree, the Peralillo, the Mocan the barbusanos, the Marmul, the palm and the dragon. Is present in Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro. There is a floor that this is a great uniformity. Isolated forest consists more or less extensive. Notable juniper forests, located mainly in the west and southwest sides. This floor also has suffered anthropogenic impact, as it coincides with the best growing areas: banana and sugar cane.

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transition Floor Vegetation in the Canary Islands: The flat basal

The basement floor develops between sea level and 400 or 800 meters. This difference depends on the position to leeward, higher, or windward lower. It is characterized by the presence of a desert scrub species of the genus Euphorbia as the cactus and tabaiba. Is present in all the islands, but is dominant in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Near the coast are halophilic species such as sea lettuce, the cape gooseberry or evergreen sea. These species appear, particularly in the salt mines. In the sandy areas of the eastern islands are species adapted to this soil so poor, with plants Chenolea family. In all the islands are formations of salt cedar tamarisks and canary. This is the floor that has suffered a high human impact, which has displaced most of the natural species. Thus we find large areas of gorse and commercial orchards. Also long-grass prairie extended to cattle, but the impact of the tourist economy has caused the abandonment of these areas and allowed the emergence of opportunistic secondary species.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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